Monday, September 1, 2008

uplifts and updos

Calm. Nice and calm.

I'm glad the past few days have been a bit better! (For NBear, not for me - still going insane trying to balance home life and going-back-to-work life. ugh) She is no longer the Tasmanian Devil she was a few days back. Thank goodness. Took her to work today - sans students - and she was her very relaxed self. Well, sort of - but today was better, nonetheless! *lol*

Perhaps the Huz was right with the whole die-off thing. (?) He still keeps the viral meds at twice a day (Acyclovir) even if it calls for 3 times a day, though. His reason being that "she already gets a lot of anti virals." Done.

In other news, I took NBear to get a haircut this morning because I could no longer stand the fact that she looks like a mare gone mad. (So does MBear, for that matter). To my dismay, Little Scissors was closed; however, the fates were on our side today when I saw a sign that read "Haircuts" at a strip mall close to work! *yeah*

I hated that I had reacted so judgementally, but when I first saw the small, Asian man with a goatee that rivaled a Chinese sifu's, I thought this entire experience was going to be a bad idea for NBear. HE is going to cut my daughter's hair??? In the past, NBear had such an aversion to males. When she was taking swim lessons and her teacher K was absent, she REFUSED to get in the water simply because her sub was male. And fourteen. (Who knows?) So naturally, my heart sank when I saw Mr. Hair Person.

Boy - if there was ever a time I was DEAD WRONG about first impressions, this would be it.

Mr. Hair was awesome with NBear! I told him she was autistic, but his weak smile and quick nod was an immediate sign that he didn't know what the heck I was talking about. He simply continued to cut, which was fine:) I realized after a few minutes that I felt odd, like something was wrong...and then I realized what it was: I was actually SITTING, and enjoying the US magazine supply this place had! O...M....G! NBear was actually okay without me by her side -- I screamed joyful phrases - no, ECSTATIC phrases - in my head. It was truly miraculous :)

*clearing throat* Now, just because I was sitting, didn't mean she wasn't talking. Oh boy.

Are we done yet? Look at all the hair! Wow~are we almost done? Look, Mommy! Is cutting - NBear's haircut! Is cutting with scissors! Oh oh! Be careful! (that one cracked me and Mr. Hair up)

When he was done cutting, he turned the hairdryer on and I froze, knowing she would probably either slap her hands quickly over her ears, or "shut down" altogether. She always hated that part. Much to my delight, she simply turned to look at Mr. Hair and said a very confident "That's too HOT!" before allowing him to proceed. *whew*

I LOVED the results! We are definitely going to pay this guy another visit when the time comes.

(This isn't her best angle, but just so you get the idea)

(Although the Huz thought it should be shorter around the parts that frame her face - did we mention she has a weird habit of eating her hair?)