Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Little Drummer Girl

I got an email the other day that said:

NBear may be one of my lead singers for the Christmas performance. Please make sure she practices the song. I have placed the CD copy and the lyrics in her backpack.

Mrs. A


Looks like we'll have to fire up the camera and camcorder batteries for her first school Christmas concert! I made sure the Huz had the CD in his van so he could play it while driving NBear to school everyday. After all, she loooooves to belt out tunes! (Did you play it? Yes, I played it. Did she sing? No, she just listened to the song...)

That's it. I'm kicking into stage-mom mode. Bridezilla's got nuttin' on me! I'm just hoping and praying my oh-so-nervous-for-NBear self won't be too disappointed if it doesn't go as planned. Even if it doesn't (must not be negative, must not be negative), I will be there to hug and hold my Little Drummer Girl.

Please please please give me the strength and patience to put together a costume that looks like this. (Mrs. A's request. Not asking.) The Huz just said - Are you SURE that's what she wants? Isn't the drummer boy supposed to be a Jew?

Perhaps I misread something - or missed the word "Yodel" in the instructions somewhere?



Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

YAY !!

Anonymous said...

Ugh...I can't wait to see pictures and videos!!! Tell NBear "WAY TO GO!!!"

Joie said...

Cool! How about one of these costumes instead? http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=little+drummer+boy&gbv=2

Carolyn said...

I'm with your huz on that one ... don't recall lederhosen being part of the drummer boy uniform but ... WHO CARES?! YOU NBEAR IS GOING TO BE A STAR!!! Enjoy every second and make sure you post some pix of the event!