Friday, November 28, 2008

baby formula news

For those of you who give (or know people who give) your children baby formula - this is a must-read.

We were once fans of the Enfamil product mentioned in the article, and used it for all three of the girls. That is, until we decided to go organic and switched SBear to this.

Thank goodness. I hate it when they say "trace amounts" of a BAD thing were in the product! Trace amounts 3 or 4 times a day no longer equates to trace.


Just be careful, okay?


Anonymous said...

Geez...just bought 3 large containers of it!!! Wish I read this before yesterday!!! Ai adai :P

DMV47 said...

Sorry, Jacks! Lesson to be learned: read my blog everyday! (just kidding...sorta!)