Saturday, June 21, 2008

good deed

Almost forgot!

My good deed yesterday was calling as many new mama (and soon-to-be-mama) friends to tell them about Dr. Sear's book.

I also added in the whole "do not give your kid Tylenol before their shots, opt for motrin instead" quip. (Hubby can probably explain the reason behind that better than I can - it has something to do with glutathione).

I felt like a Hollywood agent trying to book as many celebs as I could to show up at an event: GGC, ETK, JGH, EYS, CFL, RST (or LST :), KCS - and I know there were more, but at the rate I was going, keeping track was not my strongpoint.

Thanks G, for texting back to tell me that you were heading to the bookstore. You won't regret it;) And thanks K (I call her C!) for reading the blog and telling me I should write a book. You flatter me so...;)

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