Genetic predisposition + environmental toxins = AUTISM
Despite the fact that many people say that the true cause of autism is unknown, I believe that in order to join a battle, one has to recognize what they're fighting. Of course, in order to do that in the case of autism, you'd have to choose from several "suspects": drugs, bad mothering, vaccines, eating seafood while pregnant, physical trauma to the child, genetics...etc.
I chose my enemy, and can only pray that I'm fighting the right one.
Yes, I believe vaccines had a part in what happened to NBear. Yes, I believe that she just happened to be one of the 150 whose genetic makeup made her more sensitive to the toxins in our environment. Yes, I wish someone had told me that it was okay to follow a more relaxed vaccination schedule.....but most of all, Yes, I believe there is still a part (hopefully a huge one) of her that can still come back from all of that. That's why we're here.
~nite. tomorrow is B-12 #2 day....remember!
Thank you! If we are blessed again with another baby, we'll definitely go with the relaxed vaccine schedule.
I love how you put this so succintly. I completely agree. I've been compiling a list of stories about vaccine injuries. I hope that you don't mind that I've included Nbear's story.
I love what you are doing on this blog.
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