Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cheese, Mommy!

I wouldn't be surprised if one day, NBear won a Pulitzer prize for her amazing photographs!

She never really took an interest in mommy's digital camera before, until she figured out how to actually TAKE a picture. (not with my help, I may add) After that, I'd often discover that my camera would be missing from its usual spot, and when I'd finally find it and turn it on, there would be a ton of random photos - some you have already seen in my posts! *lol*

The days of being jealous because other kids could take their parents' pictures (my 4 year-old goddaughter "A" took a great many pics of her mommy and daddy - A and C - while we were hotel-hopping in Vegas), are gone! I mean, sure - she has to work on her angle and distance so we don't look like fleas on the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but I'll take it.

Before, Huz and I were always baffled at how difficult it was to get her to look at the camera screen, realize that it was a reflection of the scene she was looking at, and take a picture. But, it was. You thought it was tough to get her to look at the camera when she was the subject? Being on the other side of the camera proved to be an even greater challenge!

That is, until today.

Enjoy some more of her exhibits below :)

Incriminating evidence that MommyBear is a slave to the Starbucks franchise.

MBear - her favorite subject and muse. (That is, if they're not embroiled in a fighting match likened only to that you see in a UFC event!)

I'm sure she'd name this one "Pretty Doorknob".
(Notice the exquisite way she was able to capture the light's reflection on the dull brass. Breathtaking.)

Gotta love the Wonderpets!

...and these "Upside Down Show" guys. :)


Michelle B Photography said...

Very good! She did a great job. I was getting a kick out of some of her subjects. You may have a future photographer on your hands!

M. said...

OMG I love this. I need more smiles in my life. Thanks for posting these! I'm sure she has fun taking them...