Sunday, November 23, 2008

How is she?

Shame on me - (You're right, Mrs. C!) I haven't posted lately about HOW my NBear has been doing! So, since I am the queen of enumeration...and okay, I have little SBear comfy in the crook of my left arm, which doesn't allow for thorough keyboard usage...allow me to enumerate, and forgive me (regular readers) if all this sounds uber-repetitive:

1) This week marked week 4 of chelation. She gets her DMSA suppositories on Friday and Saturdays right before bed. The only physical reaction we see is the increase in her nosebleeds. Dr. Mielke said it wasn't caused by the DMSA per se, but by the fact that she was losing Vitamin K in the process. She now gets drops as needed. Yes, they've helped :)

2) Her language has definitely increased. Indeed, it has. Of course, I don't know if chelation is the sole factor for this monumental moment - being that the poor kid has more meds than her grandparents will probably have to take in their lifetime! But yes, even skeptic-at-times mommy has to admit that she has made major gains in this area: she now asks a lot of questions (albeit simple ones), she can answer questions a lot better than she did a few months ago (still working on the "why" ones, but she has been doing well with "what happened?" *biggie!!!*) She plays a lot more with sister MBear, and their conversations are both hilarious and heartwarming:) *must post dialogue one of these days, when I am not suffering from heavy-baby-on-arm fatigue* Perhaps the biggest language aspect I've noticed is her ability to generalize her "tv talk". For example, if she's quoting a Dora the Explorer episode, she will replace a character name with MBear's name (*lol*) or change an animal in the "scene" to something she is already holding - a stuffed animal, another toy, an article of clothing, or mommy's beloved digital camera.

3) A is for AWARE. Now She is now our official town crier. She reports all things - from MBear's potty training mishaps (Mommy! MBear is poopoo upstairs! Upstairs! One day she simply carried her out of the playroom and plopped her in front of us - I suppose the smell got unbearable at that point), to SBear's adventurous streaks (Oh no! SBear is going up the stairs!). She has also been great at reminding us to do things - the other day the Huz forgot about the B-12 shot he was supposed to give her, so she took matters into her own hands (don't worry, this doesn't get ugly!) and took the syringe container out of the fridge drawer for the Huz to see! :)

4)...and D is for DISOBEDIENT. Oh boy. I don't know if it's the regression moments often associated with chelation (It is generally expected that while the child is taking the chelator, the "on" days, the child will experience some regression as the metals move through his/her body, altho some parents do report that their children actually do better on the "on" days than on the "off" days. Then the first "off" day, the remaining free-floating metals will re-bind into the body, so that day can also be problematic for the child, and for some children the first "off" day is actually the worst day. If the child is not improved after the first "off" day, after the first 2-3 rounds, you would reassess the protocol to determine if perhaps you should choose a different protocol. If your protocol includes ALA, also consider that your child may have developed a yeast issue. *taken from this*), or simply that she is now actively aware of how to test the waters of our sanity - but either way, NBear can be a pill! (I say yes! I say yes, Mommy! or No! No veg-a-bols! I don't want the veg-a-bols!) *ugh* The "good" thing is, I'm not even considering her autism as a factor in that statement.

Kid-on-arm-fatigue is at its peak.


Happy Elf Mom (Christine) said...

OH, thanks for posting this! I really appreciate the update. The language improvements are very encouraging.

hopefaithbelieve said...

It's funny how I have my moments of questioning whether or not the language boost is from chelation or not. It most likely is, but who cares where she gets the boost. Amen, that she's healing!!! Carry on! Thanks for my hugs.