Wow - thanks for your happy thoughts and prayers, guys! NBear took the 3 DMSA tablets without a fight :) Now, I must add that they really didn't smell as sulfuric as I thought they would - I was even brave enough to take a brief whiff of the powder when I opened the capsule.
And ok - maybe the reason she was fine with downing them was because I DROWNED the powder in Cherry flavoring, and the "huz" shot the liquid in her mouth via syringe. The kid didn't even have a chance to blink before we both started chanting: "Swallow it, swallow it, swallow it!", like those white-faced voodoo priests before performing a cleansing rite. It's easy to recognize when a kid hasn't swallowed, anyway - their cheeks are ballooned, they don't breathe properly, and they refuse to take a swig of the "chaser" you've provided for them. (In her case, it was pear juice.) So, the chanting contined until all was well.
Now, we begin the pee portion.
We're supposed to collect her urine for the next 6 hours, right? Step # 1 is to lock the other bathrooms in the house, giving her access to only one. (thereby eliminating any missed samples) Step # 2, is to put a clever medical tool called a "hat" in between the rim and base of the porcelain throne. It is truly a lifesaver when one needs to collect both urine and stool samples. Wanna join the club? :)
....more later. Lunch calls.
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