Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I love, I love, I love my calendar girl!

I had to start writing "B-12" shots with a dark sharpie since Dr. Mielke upped the frequency of her dosage. (It's - obviously - every other day now, which is a good thing!). TheHuz gives them to her while she's still dreaming about her favorite Pixar film.

I had the GRAND idea one day, of trying to have Huz give her the shot while she was still awake, and let's just say, it would have been much easier for us to tackle an American Gladiator.


Anonymous said...

I know there's all those cool gadgets out there and all, but nothing beats CROSSING OFF things from your To Do list. Besides, who doesn't love Sharpies!?!?

Carolyn said...

Just found your blog through a "someone who knows someone who knows someone else" type link. Sounds like you're a devoted and tough mom ... I'm always inspired by people who make the choice to commit themselves to their children. (Lots of folks talk the talk but don't walk the walk.) Well done! (I'm in the A club too - check out my kid's service dog blog at CharlietheNorthStarDog.blogspot.com)