Saturday, August 2, 2008


*this is a MommyBear entry - read on if you don't mind a detour from NBear's adventures!*

Did I ever mention that I used to blame myself for NBear's love of lining things up? Of course, I had no idea at the time that it was an autistic trait - and I'm glad it's just about disappeared - but I do remember talking with my mom about how my extreme obsession with order (OCD?) may have rubbed off on my offspring.

Alas, I have to deal with the fact that I continue to be insane that way. The sad part is that NBear doesn't hold a candle to how much order means to me. (Believe me, A Club members know how tough the kids can be!) Here's today's example, enumerated:

1) Wanted to vacuum an area of the kitchen carpet, and decided to use the Shark vac the Huz bought for Xmas. It's light, it's's the one!

2) Vacuumed for a minute or two before the Shark bit the dust. (yup-pun here) Oh darn, should have charged it since December! My fault. It's a good thing I know EXACTLY where I put that charger! *smiling to myself*

3) Looked in I-swear-I-put-it-here drawer, was not there.

4) Looked in perhaps-I-put-it-here-instead drawer was NOT THERE.

5) Took a look in the I-know-I-absolutely-did-not-put-in-in-here-but-who-knows drawer, and...IT WAS NOT FREAKIN' THERE EITHER!

6) Called the Huz to ask if he had seen it, and tried to control my temper. Really. Tried. Hard.

7) Breathed. Took a few more breaths after that. Stared at the now-defunct Shark Vac lying limp on the carpet. Tried not to cry.

8) Tried even harder not to cry (I don't deal well with utter frustration). Called every store I could think of, and they said even though they did carry the VAC, they didn't carry the adapter.

9) See # 7

10) Screamed to myself in my head, and surrendered to the fact that I would have to order one online. I hate this. I really, really, hate this.

~ thanks for lasting with me as long as you have, my friends :)

1 comment:

Joie said...

i can totally imagine you doing all of this. ;)