Friday, August 8, 2008

waking up

On a recent trip to Wal-Mart (everyone's favorite, I know), Huz and I were going crazy trying to calm NBear down. It wasn't that we had to sit on her to try to control her, nor was it a tantrum thing. It was just.....odd for us to see her this way.

The girl wanted everything Wal-Mart had to offer. Eh.Vry.Thing. I want fish. I want toys. Oh wow - look at THAT Mommy! Mommy - Daddy, I want dvd. Look! It's Jenga! I want princess. I want princess car. I want bathing suit. Look at that bathing suit! Daddy? Wow! It's Diego and Doooooraaaaaa! I want hat. Look at that cowgirl hat. Cowgirl hat, pleeeaasse? I want cowgirl hat.

Everytime we said NO, she'd present a new case - stronger than the last one. With more words. Now part of why I wasn't going completely bonkers was the obvious: didn't I wish for this to happen one day anyway? Didn't I beg and bleed for the moment when she would react to stores the way "typical" kids would? Wasn't this something we had both been yearning for? Dr. Mielke had mentioned a moment of "awakening" - when the biomeds were doing their job. She warned that NBear would possibly experience a moment(s) when she would become more aware of her surroundings, and it would come across like a mad sugar rush. You're telling me.
And then, in the middle of my train of thoughts, it happened.

She caught sight of the cast of the Wonder Pets, in stuffed-animal form, and fixated on Tuck. (Did I mention she loves marine animals?) Oh boy. If you thought it was hard to take chewing gum out of your hair (yes, I speak from experience), NBear's immediate attachment to Tuck made that look like a walk in the park!

Oh wow! Wooonnder Pets! It's Tuck! And Linny, and MingMing! I want Tuck. Tuck is a turtle. I want cape. NBear is superhero! Mommy, Daddy - I want Tuck pwweeeaaaase. (that's the summarized version - otherwise, it'd take the rest of this post's text space). Every time we tried to distract her, she'd be nice enough to pay attention for a minute, and then say, "Tuck, please. Wonder Pets."

It didn't end there.

One day later: Mommy, I want car please. I want Walmart. Tuck! Wonder Pets please!

Two days later: (see above)
...then, on the third day, the Huz came home with these:

She lined them up for me when I told her I was going to take their picture. I laughed when I realized that she had placed them in the order they were mentioned in the theme song:

Linny, Tuck, and MingMing too! We're Wonder Pets and we'll help youuuuuuu!

1 comment:

Joie said...

That's awesome! Can we take her shopping now?