Wednesday, August 27, 2008

what the heck is hapenning here?

My NBear seems to have turned into the Tasmanian Devil.

Where is the calm girl we had no problems with when we went shopping? We took the entire herd to shop for a dress (for mommy - there's a wedding on Saturday!), and NBear acted like a child who had ingested 2 packs of chocolate-covered coffee beans! She was sooo not calm. I mean, sure - she was also talking up a storm, using great sentences, and had great eye contact, but all that also came with GREAT (uncontrolled) ENERGY!

Yes, of course the Huz also noticed. The poor guy took her grocery shopping today and came home looking like he crawled out of the bowels of a tornado. Perhaps the recent addition of these guys (pictured below) to NBear's program had something to do with it?:

Dear me. I guess I was in a daze when Acyclovir was discussed between the Huz and Dr. Mielke. I actually AGREED to this? *lol* It's used for herpes! And - did you see all the side effects? No wonder why! *groan* I vaguely remember that he wanted to try an anti-viral program on NBear BEFORE chelation, but the doc was quite reluctant to do so. (Something about NBear's immune deficiency not being up to par until after chelation, but in the end Huz was able to convince her to at least try this "switch" with NBear.) So, hello Acyclovir.

These two were also H-man's idea. He spoke to Dr. M about introducing these, and got her "ok" beforehand. I know some readers (like my new friend) have concerns about starting Virastop, but really all I've seen so far is (I'm afraid to say) ADHD-like behavior, confused behavior at times, and yes - defiant behavior. EVERYTHING is a NO. *granted, I love the sentences, but still:

"No! I don't want to go to school! No! My turn for the computer! No! I don't want to take a shower! No! No! NO!"

Oh - we've also noticed a frequent need to fidget with things - our faces, her father's ears (she had stopped doing that for a while), her clothes, to name a few. Seems like her sense of touch is heightened or something??? *sigh*

Hubby thinks it's the die-off from the Virastop. (he said I could quote him on that, so there.)

I'm just hoping it's matter what it is.

p.s. Dear Cult of Recovery - we are also (as shown in photo) adding OLE to this new deal. :) Nice to know we're in this fight together!


hopefaithbelieve said...

We haven't started anti virals, but the same thing happened to my gentile, sweet son. He started making great gains in language, but at the same time he became the tazmanian devil, too. I say it's his ADHD face. I think sometimes our kids go through these behavioral changes as they are progressing. Like their body is "recharging" as they are making their new connections. Also, I have heard that doing antivirals without fixing the yeast issue first can cause this type of behavior. I didn't read, but have you done anti fungals first? Keep up the fight. The battle will be won!

Cyndi said...

Hi, thanks for dropping by my blog and linking it on yours! :)
Question: How do you know if a child needs anti-virals? Is there a certain test for that? I know Matthew recently tested negative for strep and herpes but maybe we missed something...??? He's been a little devil lately - I guess it could be from gut yeast or the transdermal chelation. He has a new sliding glass door (in public places - stores/libraries) obsession that is driving me crazy!!!

DMV47 said...

I'll try to answer both of your questions:) HFB - thanks for the reassurance (I feel better). Anyway, she has already had a round of Diflucan - this is her second, since we decided to start on the anti-virals. *and yes, we will win one day!*

Cyndi - yes, there are tests that your DAN! can request that definitely test for viral issues. I'm actually jealous that you're doing transdermal chelation - I'm dreading the suppositories!

Cyndi said...

Thanks, our DAN suggested the suppositories b/c they get better/faster results but Matthew is a light sleeper and there's NO WAY he would let me stick anything "up there"!

DMV47 said...

Why is the BEST thing (well, second to I.V.) also the one that has to be administered in the WORST possible way? *groan*

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog and introducing yourself to me! I love seeing your blog here, and seeing other parents on the biomed journey. I am going to educate myself now, by reading your blog!